New Years Price Surge Sobering Resposes Leads Uber to New Model


In light of the recent responses to the price surges of inebriated users Post New Year ride home, ride sharing company Uber is changing the game again.

In a press release late Monday, Uber announced it was moving away from its current “Surge” pricing model in favor of new “more hip” models of mobile device applications.

Uber stated in a press release Monday afternoon “Effective January 12th Uber will be moving to a Freemium model.”

Uber spokesman reassured its users that requesting a ride will work exactly the same.

Riders, who reacted to the change negatively online, indicated they dislike Uber’s continued persistence to “Drain every last penny from us”, didurmom a user of a popular social media site called Reddit.

Patricia Sten, 43, creator of ‘Moms against Uber’ posted her warning to other moms, “It starts out with just a ride, then you need to adjust the air, you get bored, or just need a drink of water and your ride has tripled in cost. Its outrageous and Uber does nothing to protect the college parents who saved their credit card on their son’s phone.”

Drivers alternatively were happy to hear Uber is providing a more progressive price model for them.

“This really opens us up to new market ventures. Now the fact I am an excellent small talker can rake in the big bucks.”  Steven Stillwood, 26, an Uber driver informed us.

Lyft was reached out to comment on if they would be following pursuit of new price models but was unable to provide any information.

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